By agreeing to work with Capture the Crown, you are agreeing to the following:
1. Respect and Professionalism: Clients, their parents/guardians and entourage will treat all interactions with other clients, contestants, other families, venue employees, and sponsors with respect and maintain a professional demeanor at all times.
2. Commitment to Growth: Be committed to personal growth and development throughout the coaching process. Remain open to critiquing and making changes. Be teachable at all times.
3. Confidentiality: Maintain the confidentiality of all coaching sessions and discussions. Also do not ask us what another client is doing, where they are competing or what their wardrobe looks like. We will not entertain those conversations.
4. Communication: Keep open and honest communication with your coach, providing feedback and asking questions as needed. This includes working with another coach or coaches. You are not precluded from working with others however, we would like to know so that we can collaborate with that coach and ensure the contestant is getting all that they need. Additionally, if there is a conflict with us or our coaching style, please address it with us prior to leaving or discussing it with others (see rule #3). We are committed to giving you the same courtesy.
5. Attendance and Punctuality: Attend all scheduled coaching sessions on time. You are booking a block of time, and the time will not be extended for lateness or rescheduled due to a no show or an absence without 24 hours’ notice. This notice must be via text message or phone call. You may also cancel or reschedule using your web confirmation link up to 72 hours prior to your appointment.
6. Preparation: Come prepared to each session with goals, questions, and any materials or information requested by us. This includes practicing the things you were required to practice. There are no excuses for poor preparation.
7. Implementation of Feedback: Implement the feedback and strategies provided by your coach into your pageant preparation and routines or come up with an alternate that we can work on.
8. Practice and Application: Dedicate time outside of coaching sessions to practice and apply the skills and techniques learned in real life.
9. Stay Positive: Show respect for fellow clients and coaches, fostering a positive and supportive learning environment.
10. Payment and Policies: Adhere to payment schedules. Late fees may be applied to payment schedules that are not timely. There are absolutely no refunds for sessions.
11. Bulk Sessions: Bulk paid sessions do expire and are not transferrable or refundable. The annual package expires upon use of all 24 sessions or after 365 days of purchase whichever is less. Multiple session packages have a 3-month expiration date from the date of purchase unless other arrangements have been made. Bulk sessions may not be used in lieu of the onsite packages provided at pageants where we will be attending.
12. Referrals to Other Vendors: From time to time, we may refer you to other vendors such as designers, shops, hair and makeup professionals, photographers etc. We will not intervene in their pricing, nor will we accept any commission from them for our referral. You are free to use any vendor that you wish.
13. Referrals to Us: We may offer discounts on services and/or gifts for referrals to us at our discretion. There should be no expectation of renumeration for any new clients that are referred to us.
14. Discounts and Scholarships: From time to time, we may offer discounts and scholarships to our client. This is solely at our discretion and should be always kept confidential.
15. Integrity: We will not take part in, condone, sanction, and/or allow any activity that may cause a question on our integrity or our Christian witness. This includes collusion/conflicts of interests with judges, vendors or directors, falsifying information, breaking pageant rules, using suggestive wardrobe and/or photos, PDA of minor contestants with boyfriends during competitions, questionable posts on social media, poor sportsmanship, questionable conduct such as drug/alcohol use, arrests or poor grades in school. Being a titleholder is an honor and privilege and as such to whom much is given much is expected.
16. Refusal of Service and Service Termination: We reserve the right to refuse initial service to anyone if the refusal is not in violation of our anti-discriminatory policy, federal, state and local laws. We also reserve the right to terminate services without refunds for violating any of the above listed terms. Client may terminate this agreement at any time without notice. There are absolutely no refunds for unused sessions.